Guercon Automation
Solar Energy



Technical Features: The Solar Panels

The bearer of the solar panel

·        This bearer is relevant for flat roofs

·        The bearer provides an optimal slope to the sun

·        It is designed to bear the water collector

·        It is designed to bear the vacuum tubes


The Collector

·        Cold water is warmed up in the vacuum tubes

·        The warm water molecules move in an upwards movement until they reach the collector

·        The collector will dispense its warm water either via simple gravity, either via a pump which will manage the water circulation inside the installation.


The tubes framework

·        This framework is designed to bear the vacuum tubes.

·        The required number of framework and tubes depends of the requested performance of the installation.

Domestic Application

·        The solar panel on the picture is installed on a flat roof.

·        This is a representative configuration for the warming of running water for the consumption of a normal family.

# people



3 people

200 liters

21 tubes

5 people

300 liters

30 tubes

6 people

400 liters

40 tubes